for Participation
4th IS4ALL Seminar (half-day morning) and 2nd IS4ALL Thematic Workshop (half-day afternoon),
23rd October 2002
jointly with the 7th Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group “User
Interfaces for All” (UI4ALL)
The aim of the seminar and the workshop is to provide participants
with guidance on how to appropriate the benefits of Universal Access in Health Telematics in
order to design universally accessible Electronic Health Records.
IS4ALL in Health Telematics
The primary focus of the Thematic Network IS4ALL is on the impact of advanced desktop and
mobile interaction technologies on emerging Health Telematics products and services, and in
particular the electronic health record. EHRs are complex domain-specific artifacts that must
be accessible by different types of users, including professionals in a variety of roles and
contexts of use, as well as patients. Accordingly, EHRs are increasingly made available over
different platforms, including conventional windowing toolkits, the WWW, and mobile devices
such as palmtop and WAP phones. To gain insight into the potential contribution of universal
access principles to the design and development of Electronic Health Records accessible by anyone,
anywhere, IS4ALL is experimenting with various usage scenarios, which unfold user- and use-adapted
interaction. Towards this effect, the primary motivating question is “how to design EHRs,
so that they exhibit user- and use-adapted interactive behavior.
The Desktop
The primary use of EHRs is to provide overviews and details of a patient’s medical condition,
including specific examinations, results, treatments, etc.
High quality access to such information can improve medical decision-making and quality of
care, thus resulting in more satisfactory experiences for all parties concerned. It is therefore
important that usability becomes a first-class objective for all systems or services built around
Beyond the desktop
Advanced networking capabilities, the diffusion of the Internet and the proliferation of a
variety of interaction platforms have created new opportunities in Health Telematics. Access
to medical information can now benefit from the new infrastructure; patients can review their
own medical condition from remote sites (i.e., the home or the office), daily tasks of professionals
can be more adequately informed, planned, initiated and executed from anywhere, safety-critical
and emergency situations can be more effectively accommodated, etc.
However, for these benefits to be appropriated, new requirements need to be addressed, including
the institutional/organizational, infrastructure and technology. Additionally, users should
become accustomed to new experiences, building on collaborative activities and networking between
novel devices. Thus, scalability to platforms, inter-operability and access anywhere, anytime
become predominant targets in Health Telematics. Accordingly, EHRs need to be designed and developed
so that they can benefit from, and empower end users in, the new knowledge-based era.
The 4th IS4ALL Seminar
Following the first three seminars, IS4ALL will hold its 4th Seminar in collaboration with
the 7th Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on “User Interfaces for All”. The objectives
of the seminar are:
• to introduce Health Telematics practitioners to the concepts of universal design and
universal access,
• to describe how these concepts are being taken up and accounted for in different sectors
of the industry
• to assess the relevance of universal access to Health Telematics by elaborating on designated
scenarios of accessing Electronic Patient Records (EPRs).
Following a brief introduction of the IS4ALL project, participants will be exposed to the following
topics: (i) state of the art in universal design; (ii) review methods and techniques currently
in use; (iii) foundations of a conceptual frame of reference for universal access to Health
Telematics applications and services, and (iv) reference scenarios illustrating access to EPRs
for anyone, anytime and anywhere. The focus will be spread evenly on process-requirements for
universal design and exemplar artifact specifications. Reference to recent case studies and
concept demonstrators will help the audience become acquainted with the underlying principles.
The 2nd IS4ALL Workshop
Following the IS4ALL seminar, the workshop in the afternoon will present elements of the IS4ALL
methodology for facilitating the introduction of universal access into Health Telematics applications
and services. This methodology links with scenario-based approaches to systems development and
comprises a process-oriented guide and a collection of methods and techniques for coping with
specific design and development aspects. A major target in the project's approach is to provide
practical tools for designers to realize interactive services that can be accessed by anyone,
anytime anywhere. This entails consideration of diversity in a variety of dimensions (users,
contexts of use and platforms of interactions) and understanding of the global execution context
of tasks. The workshop will be organized in two main stages. The first stage will be devoted
to the IS4ALL methodology and to a set of reference scenarios from Health Telematics. In the
second stage, workshop participants will be asked to reflect on the materials presented and
provide feedback to the project.
Participation is open to everyone who is interested in the design, implementation or evaluation
of interactive Health Telematics systems and services including user interface designers, developers,
managers, usability professionals, human factors engineers and HCI researchers.
Registration Fees
- 190 Euros: including accommodation (single room - Bed & Breakfast) and meals (dinner
on 22 October 2002, lunch on 23 October 2002)
- 150 Euros: including accommodation (twin room - Bed & Breakfast) and meals (dinner on
22 October 2002, lunch on 23 October 2002)
- 70 Euros: including lunch on 23 October 2002
Contact address
For further information, please contact:
Local Organiser and Programme Chair
Prof. Noëlle Carbonell
Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1
LORIA, UMR CNRS & INRIA, Campus Scientifique, BP 239
F-54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex, FRANCE
tel:+33(0) 383592032, fax:+33 (0)383413079,
IS4ALL Project Coordinator and ERCIM UI4ALL Workshop Chair
Prof. Constantine Stephanidis
Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas,
Science & Technology Park of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, GR-71110 GREECE
tel: +30 810 391741, fax: +30 810 391740